Coming soon!
DEEneo: New digital LVDT electronics!


"Embedded World 2024": Tracing the future

In the dynamic world of the electronics industry, the "Embedded World" trade fair in Nuremberg is an indispensable meeting place for industry experts, developers and manufacturers.

eddylab developers Jetullah Mehmeti and Remo Kagerer focused in particular on exchanging information about the range of modern communication systems for industrial applications. Due to the upcoming market launch of eddylab's brand new digital external electronics DEEneo , it was crucial for them to explore the latest components and technologies.

"The Embedded World trade fair is an invaluable opportunity for us to make personal contact with experts from the industry and gain insights into future trends and technologies," explains Jetullah Mehmeti. "In terms of electronic components, we naturally want to ensure that we always have access to the most innovative components for our products," adds Remo Kagerer.

Both eddylab developers draw a positive conclusion from their visit to the trade fair and see the need to always be at the cutting edge, especially in the rapidly developing electronics industry.

"It was incredibly inspiring to experience the variety of innovations and the breadth of expertise at Embedded World," says Jetullah Mehmeti, summarizing the day at the trade fair, "For us, the visit serves as both a roadmap for the future and an innovation agenda for current development projects."


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